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English translation for "在生子女"

surviving child

Related Translations:
公畜子女:  getofsire
法定子女:  legal child
逻辑子女:  logical child
承认子女:  agnoscereliberos
子女王:  princess yōko of mikasa
子女关系:  filial relation
谊子女:  godchild according to chinese customs
子女的:  filial
过继子女:  adopted child
子女节点:  child nodechildren node
Example Sentences:
1.As mentioned above , interviews are the primary ingredient of this movie . the subjects of the interviews include the childen of lai man - wai , his colleagues in the past and several film scholars . the conversations are not very in - depth , nevertheless , it is quite adequate for general audience to have some acquaintance with lai man - wai and his achievements
2.As mentioned above , interviews are the primary ingredient of this movie . the subjects of the interviews include the childen of lai man - wai , his colleagues in the past and several film scholars . the conversations are not very in - depth , nevertheless , it is quite adequate for general audience to have some acquaintance with lai man - wai and his achievements
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