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English translation for "在生意上成功"

be successful in business

Related Translations:
生意:  tendency to grow; life and vitality 短语和例子生意盎然 full of life
生意是生意: is business
赔本生意:  a losing business
抢生意:  undercut; hustle
经营生意:  conduct a business
生意股份:  share of a business
生意的:  merchant
生意伙伴:  business partners
批发生意:  wholesale trade wholesale businesswholesale trade; wholesale business
食品生意:  grocery line
Example Sentences:
1.Successful in business
2.They could gain the whole world , if they want , with the god wisdom that they have just regained after enlightenment . that is understandable , because once we are in touch with our godly self , our kingdom of god , we feel happy and satisfied ; we feel that we need nothing at all
3.They could gain the whole world , if they want , with the god wisdom that they have just regained after enlightenment . that is understandable , because once we are in touch with our godly self , our kingdom of god , we feel happy and satisfied ; we feel that we need nothing at all
Similar Words:
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