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English translation for "在生死关头徘徊"

hover between life and death fluctuate

Related Translations:
紧急关头:  criticalemergencyrazor-edgerazorbackzero hour
生死:  life and death◇生死比率 birth- death ratio
徘徊在一次又一次的:  this constant compromise
生死关头:  an important juncture of life and death; a moment when one's fate hangs in the balance; at the crucial moment of life and death; be a moment [a turning point] of life and death; be a matte
生死千里:  sheng si qian li
生死轮:  the wheel of births-and-deaths the round of mortality
生死大海:  the ocean of mortality mortal life
生死边缘:  green fishthe edge
生死未卜:  one's life is uncertain.; hard to predict one's chances of life or death; hard to tell whether the person is alive or not; uncertain of one's life; whether one will survive is uncertain
生死界线:  between life and death
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