| 1. | Mr . mott always fills his pockets with all kinds of things 莫特先生总是把他的衣袋塞得满满的。 |
| 2. | Get off ! ’ spluttered the rat , with his mouth full “走开! ”河鼠嘴里塞得满满的,忙不迭地乱喊。 |
| 3. | Exhibition floors were chock - a - block with racing and sports cars 表演场地上让比赛车塞得满满的。 |
| 4. | Man : that cart looks real full . let me get the door for you 男士:您的购物车真是塞得满满的,我来替您开门。 |
| 5. | Other chap telling him something with his mouth full . sympathetic listener . table talk 另一个家伙嘴里塞得满满的,在跟他谈着什么。 |
| 6. | Traffic flows rise to fill whatever scale of highways are provided for them 无论马路修建到什么程度,日益加大的交通流量总会把它们塞得满满的。 |
| 7. | On the other side of the building turtles are pack ed like sardines into more tanks 屋子另一侧放的缸子更多,里面的海龟象沙丁鱼一样被塞得满满的。 |
| 8. | " look at this ! " she said . she held the pot out for him to see , though he didn ' t look . it was full of hundreds . stuffed full of hundreds “看这个! ”她说。她把茶壶拿出来给他看,但是他没去看。茶壶里面满是百元钞票。塞得满满的全是钞票。 |
| 9. | He said : " i believe that too many children and young people are turned off learning because they are fed up with what they see as a boring curriculum diet that has little choice and less relevance to their lives 他说: “我相信绝大多数儿童和青少年都不爱学习,因为他们的生活被枯燥烦闷的课程塞得满满的,他们只有很小的选择余地,学习和生活关系也不大。 |