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English translation for "定冠词"

[语言学] definite article

Related Translations:
:  冠名词1.(帽子) hat 短语和例子免冠照片 bareheaded photo; 衣冠整齐 be neatly dressed2.(状似帽子或在顶上的东西) crown; corona 短语和例子花冠 corolla; 树冠 the crown of a tree; 牙冠 the crown of a tooth3.(鸟禽头上的一束羽毛或突起) crest; comb 短
不用冠词:  by buson the bus
词冠乘数:  [数学] (乘数词头) prefix multipliers
错词:  words mistaken
阳性词:  wordor word form
词项:  lexical item
接头词:  start-bound complement
转折词:  though
凉州词:  a song of liangzhou
流行词:  popular words
Example Sentences:
1.When a " school , hospital , " etc. is being referred to as an institution , we do not use the definite article after a preposition .
2.The advice was considered shocking by the elders who heard his address; deity had lost its definite article, and the place allotted it seemed too extra-curricular even for unitarians .
3.Lexical cohesion and two - way translation between english and chinese
4." a " , " an " and " the " aren ' t necessary parts of speech
5.Today we ' ll have an end - of - the - unite text . get out your exercise books
6.Acquisition of nongeneric uses of the english definite article by chinese learners
7.Today we ' ll have listening practice . after that we ' ll sum up the uses of the definite article
8.A system by which letters , packages , and other postal materials are transported . used with the
9.When a " school , hospital , " etc . is being referred to as an institution , we do not use the definite article after a preposition
当“ schl , hospital ”等用来指机构时,我们在介词后不加定冠词
10.English speakers use the same form , the , in the phrases the boy , for the daughter and to the lions , which in german would have different forms
Similar Words:
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