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English translation for "应负责任"


Related Translations:
负责任:  be in charge ofblamed forresponsibility fortake responsibility
得负责任:  should be responsible
负责任的:  responsible
不负责任:  remissnessunaccountability
应负责任的:  answerableresponsible
不负责任的:  irresponsible
不负责任地:  irresponsibly
对过失所负责任:  liability for fault
不必负责任的:  not answerable for one's actions etc not accountable
Example Sentences:
1.He admitted his liability for the accident
2.Responsible to higher authority ; accountable
3.But he ' s as much to blame because he tried to pass you . was he hurt
4.Therefore , ti must always be in control of what it is responsible for
5.But he ' s as much to blame because he tried to pass you . was he hurt
6.Be liable for
7.In this mechanism , as far as the university is concerned , there is no equivalence between the risk - taking and the responsibility
8.I have read the reports in this forum and i found it quite disturbing knowing that there are still people / players who are racist and likes to blame other people / players
9." as one of the world s most open and externally - oriented economies , we take our international responsibilities extremely seriously , " he said . " we gladly play our part as a responsible global citizen .
10." as one of the world s most open and externally - oriented economies , we take our international responsibilities extremely seriously , " he said . " we gladly play our part as a responsible global citizen .
Similar Words:
"应负责的" English translation, "应负责的, 有责任的, 可解释的" English translation, "应负责的,有义务的" English translation, "应负责的,有责任的" English translation, "应负责的债务" English translation, "应负责任,债务" English translation, "应负责任的" English translation, "应负责事实,应负责事件" English translation, "应该" English translation, "应该, 必须" English translation