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English translation for "得意忘言"

[ déyìwángyán ] 
have a tacit understanding; the meaning being already known, one's words are therefore no more necessary

Related Translations:
得意:  proud of oneself ; pleased with oneself; complacent 短语和例子她听了这些奉承话而得意起来。 she was pleased by the flattery
情场得意:  be lucky in love
得意时:  appe
得意技:  balls combofinishing move
得意妹:  no dj vesion
官场得意:  successful in one's official career
得意扬扬:  be inflated with prideride high
扬扬得意:  feel exalted; feel very pleased with oneself; be immensely proud; be proud and pleased with oneself; be quite elated; be well-contented; conceited; jauntily; look triumphant; puff up with
得意的:  beamishcomplacent/inflatablefavoritepetproud adj
得意夸耀:  strut
Example Sentences:
1.Basing on these , sages enhanced and developed continuously the idea of knowledge , aesthetics and creation including touching off mood with imagery , seeking ideal state with mood , attaining the virtual image hidden behind real images by breaking the fetters of language
正是基于“言意之辨” ,先哲们不断丰富、发展了以象兴意、借象求境、 “得意忘言”的认识、审美与创作思想。
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