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English translation for "恣意地"


Related Translations:
恣意:  unscrupulous; reckless; unbridled; wilful 短语和例子恣意践踏别国领土 wilfully trample on the territory of other countries; 恣意掠夺别国的资源 indulge in unbridled plunder of the resources of other countries
恣意侵略:  wanton aggression
恣意歪曲:  distort wilfully
恣意的:  arbitrarywayward
恣意践踏:  arrogantly to trample on sb
任性恣意:  indulge in emotions
恣意行乐:  give way to unrestrained fun [joy]; allow one to act freely in pleasure-seeking
恣意孤行:  act wilfully; do as one wishes without considering others; obstinate to have one's own way
恣意破坏:  vandalism
恣意践踏别国领土:  wilfully trample on the territory of other countries
Example Sentences:
1.Unparalleled fascination of red and black enkindles night ' s atmosphere
2.Now much of the world is simply running out of water for more production
3.As long as he is around , i ' m free to indulge my every 2 ) adolescent 3 ) whim , all in the name of bonding with my boy
4.Also , he had money in his pockets , and , as in the old days when he returned from sea with a pay - day , he made the money fly
5.Mankind ' s history is one of systematic , arbitrary abuse and control by the elite acting privately , through the church , but mostly through government
Similar Words:
"恣弯头" English translation, "恣行无忌" English translation, "恣意" English translation, "恣意,放荡的" English translation, "恣意的" English translation, "恣意地, 放肆地" English translation, "恣意孤行" English translation, "恣意践踏" English translation, "恣意践踏别国领土" English translation, "恣意掠夺别国的资源" English translation