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English translation for "恣肆"

1.(放纵) unrestrained; self-indulgent; wanton 短语和例子
2.(文笔豪放不拘) forceful and unrestrained; free and natural

Related Translations:
骄横恣肆:  overbearing and wanton forceful and unrestrained
Example Sentences:
1.We abate something of the wanton extravagance of our pretensions .
2.Wetland of the north luxuriant , fish circle in the air shallow bottom summer , paradise of bird , wetland of the south vast sea wanton at this moment , surging flood ; when winter will coming , ice the peak in the space of existence without birds of northern wetland that the snow floats , greatness on but it is like this been in god , make poem of in the south of already she shrink surface of water , the earth appears , everything breeds , prepare the grand banquet for guest in the distant place
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