忧悒不欢: anxious and unrest without joy; joyless; upset
Example Sentences:
Soon his passion sank down to grief, and grief gave way to melancholy . 他的痛苦不久便转为忧伤,忧伤又转成为悒郁。
When you've been in hospital a day or two you'll begin to feel depressed. but that's a sign you're getting better . 你在医院住上一两天后,会感到忧悒的,但那正是你恢复正常的表现。
He was happy , and at the same time he was sad 他感到幸福,同时又觉得忧悒。
Let us go quietly , we must surprise her . prince andrey followed her with a courteous and depressed expression 安德烈公爵面露恭敬而忧悒的表情,跟在她后面走去。
At the end of goblet of fire we sent harry home more depressed than he had ever been leaving howarts 在《火焰杯》的结尾,哈利回家时的心情比离开霍格沃茨时还要悒郁。
It was high time ! he took the despatch , which was addressed to him , and began to read it with a mournful expression 他拿起一份署有他的名字的急电,带着忧悒的表情开始念电文。
Shes so affected . show her up , she said in a dejected tone , as though she were saying , very well , finish me off entirely 她真拘礼,请吧, ”她用忧悒的嗓音对仆人说,内心好像是这样说: “哎呀!
The old countess sat with a blissful , but mournful smile , and tears in her eyes , and now and then she shook her head 老伯爵夫人坐在那里,流露出幸福而忧悒的微笑,眼睛里噙满泪水,有时摇摇头。
With sickly uneasiness he awaited the end of this action , in which he considered himself the prime mover , though he could not have stopped it 他怀着病态的忧悒企望结束那场由他挑起的战争,但他已无法阻止它。
The countess , with a deep sob , hid her face on her daughters bosom , while nikolay got up , clutched at his head , and went out of the room 伯爵夫人忧悒地啜泣,把脸藏在女儿怀里,可是尼古拉站了起来,心惊胆战,从房里走出去了。