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English translation for "愁容满面"

look extremely worried; (with) gloomy [troubled] contenance; have a mournful countenance; wearing an anxious [worried] look 短语和例子

Related Translations:
愁容:  worried look; anxious expression; sad [forlorn] look 短语和例子他的愁容消失了。 his worried look disappeared
满面愁容:  one's face was full of melancholy.; one's face was covered with deep lines of care.; draw [wear; put on] a long face; look very worried
一片愁容:  a cloud of grief; a shadow rested on one's face
愁容满面的:  sorry-looking
愁容满面地:  mournfully
他愁容满面:  he had an anxious expression on his face
面带愁容:  with a sad air; look blue; one's face expressed melancholy.; one's face shows a sad expression.; one's features have a melancholy cast.; wear an air of sadness; wear a worried look
有愁容的:  cloudy
他的愁容消失了:  his worried look disappeared
Example Sentences:
1.Dixon scowled, then shrugged .
2.The young man was still depressed .
3.He had an anxious expression on his face .
4.He was grave and pale now .
5.There was a sort of cloud over him .
6.He stared at her morosely .
7.The tender widow's habitual melancholy seemed to deepen into a sadder gloom .
8.One of them was holding an old spelling book on his knee . they all looked sadly at the master .
9.Often and often she walked mournfully round the place where halay's gang of men and women sat in their chains .
10.Often and often she walked mournfully round the place where haley's gang of men and women sat in their chains .
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