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English translation for "感到烦躁"

have the fidgetssuffer from the fidgets

Related Translations:
你为什么烦躁不安:  what are you fretting about
感到痛快:  be filled with joy
感到别扭:  pique 1
感到疲乏:  feel wearyworn outtired
感到羞耻:  pudere to make ashamed
感到振奋:  to be encouraged inspired
感到安全:  feel safe
感到好奇:  be curious about sth
感到万幸:  thank one's lucky stars
感到身体不适:  feel indisposedfeel not quite the thing
Example Sentences:
1.He chafed against his captivity .
2.I chafed against the work of school .
3.She chafed at it .
4.She called and said she was coming up
5.Sometimes i feel agitated when i eat food that is not very good for me
6.Sometimes when a day starts off badly , it just keeps getting worse and worse as each hour passes
7.I ' m fretting about seemingly immovable and unchangeable stone bench values like apathy , passivity , indifference
8.There are other things , though , that also sadly wo n ' t . i ' m fretting about seemingly immovable and unchangeable stone bench values like apathy , passivity , indifference
Similar Words:
"感到愁闷" English translation, "感到担心" English translation, "感到倒霉而愤愤不平, 垂头丧气" English translation, "感到恶心" English translation, "感到烦恼" English translation, "感到放松" English translation, "感到放心的是" English translation, "感到非常的高兴" English translation, "感到非常惊讶" English translation, "感到费解的" English translation