| 1. | On the applicability of the right of disturbed contradiction 论不安抗辩权之适用 |
| 2. | Analysis of defensive right for uneasiness in contract law 论不安抗辩权的扩张 |
| 3. | Expansion of the right of unstable counterplea 先履行抗辩权与不安抗辩权之比较 |
| 4. | On right of answer in performing bilateral contract 论双务合同履行中的抗辩权 |
| 5. | Upset deraignment right in contract fulfillment 论合同履行中的不安抗辩权 |
| 6. | Using counterargument in the malpractice compensation 医疗事故损害赔偿案件的抗辩权使用 |
| 7. | On china defence right system for uncertainty 浅析我国不安抗辩权制度 |
| 8. | On the performance right to plea system in carrying out a contract 论合同履行中的不安抗辩权 |
| 9. | On einrede der vnsicherveit in contract act 论合同法上的不安抗辩权 |
| 10. | The discussion on uneasy counterplea right in obeying the contracts 论合同履行中的不安抗辩权 |