People will assume that he is crude, arrogant, or anxious to be "different" at all costs . 人们会揣想他是一个粗鲁、傲慢或是急于不惜任何代价要显得与众不同的人。
We hoped the enemy would conclude that we were making another, unusually ambitious attempt to reinforce malta, which had been in dire straits for months . 我们揣想敌人将认为我们试行另一次重大企图以增援马尔他,该岛数月来始终处于可怕之苦境中。
Questions like this eventually make the listener wonder if the character ' s love never came back at all 这类的问题让听众揣想,是不是主角的情人根本就不曾回来过?
It may be a candle in a house , i then conjectured ; but if so , i can never reach it “这也许是一间房子里的烛光。 ”我随后揣想着, “即便那样,我也永远到不了那儿了。
I still wonder whether the chef , who had kept his cool throughout , should have thrown his rolling pin at the man or flagellate himself 大师傅自始至终强忍着没有发作,但至今我仍在揣想,当时他应当是操起擀面杖朝那人劈面摔去呢,还是该把自己痛打一顿。
What makes these singaporeans behave the way they do my own views , admittedly somewhat speculative , are that they probably do not consider their actions as reprehensible 这些新加坡人为何有如此举止?以笔者揣想,他们大概是认为此等行为无可指摘。
If i don not give a friend " the benefit of the doubt , " but put the worst construction instead of the best on what is said or done , then i know nothing of calvary love 若我不容许一个朋友有被“假定无过”的权利,常从最坏的一面而非最好的一面来揣想他的所言所行,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。
If i do not give a friend " the benefit of the doubt , " but put the worst construction instead of the best on what is said or done , then i know nothing of calvary love 若我不容许一个朋友享有被“假定无过”的权利,常从最坏的一面而非最好的一面来揣想他的所言所行,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。
If i do not give a friend “ the benefit of the doubt , ” but put the worst construction instead of the best on what is said or done , then i know nothing of calvary love 若我不容许一个朋友享有被假定无过的权力,常从最坏的一面而非最好的一面来揣想他的所言所行,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。