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English translation for "改航"

a/h alter heading
change of route
divert flight
to execute a diversion

Related Translations:
改平:  flatten outkaiheilevel offlevel outroll level
改植:  displant
改做:  recast
改刀:  screwdriver
改值:  revaluation
该改:  gai
手改:  manual correction
江改:  ekai
改方子:  the improvement of the prescription
向前改出:  forward recovery
Example Sentences:
1.Tg612 is diverting to hkg , request onwards clearance
2.We are running short of fuel ( kerosene ) diverting to the nearest alternate
3.Pr330 , what is your holding fuel and alternate , in case of deversion
4.An aircraft has nosed over on the paved runway , airport closed . please divert to your alternate
5.Local weather is getting worse ( is deteriorating ) . are you proceeding to beijing or diverting to shanghai
6.A set of algorithm on handling rerouting problem has been proposed at the beginning of this article
7.We have just been encountered severe turbulence , about 25 passengers have been hurt . we ' ll have to divert to guangzhou , request ambulance assistance on landing
8.The main method of the algorithm is using heuristic searching on dynamic network on the basis of all the flights " priority been determined
9.Mayday , mayday , mayday , tg612 . we have just been hit by a light aircraft , left wing tip appears to have been torn off , we ' ll divert to kung ming for landing
遇险信号, tg612刚才我们与一架轻型飞机相撞,左翼尖好象被撞掉了,我们立即改航去昆明备降。
10.At the rest of this article , a set of software has been introduced . the software has two main function , the first one is the computer realizing of the algorithm , the other is validating the result of optimizing by simulation
Similar Words:
"改过行善的人" English translation, "改过自新" English translation, "改过自新, 重新开始, 言归于好" English translation, "改过自新的" English translation, "改过自新的,新生的" English translation, "改航报告绕航报告" English translation, "改航到备降场" English translation, "改航线" English translation, "改好" English translation, "改号信号" English translation