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English translation for "攻击别人"

character assassination

Related Translations:
首先攻击:  cast the first stone
攻击导弹:  offensive missile
狮子攻击:  lion attack
特殊攻击:  special attack
攻击舰:  attack ship
暴风攻击:  stormstrike
攻击目标:  attack a targethit targetsobject of attack
推理攻击:  inference attack
全天候攻击:  all-weather engagement
Example Sentences:
1.The chairman rapped the delegate for naming names
2.He rapped the president on energy [ for naming names ]
3.Guard lieutenant : i don ' t believe you . of course , this isn ' t the first time ratka ever attacked someone over gold , mikhail
4.Guard lieutenant : i never liked that game with the ogre , mikhail . this isn ' t the first time ratka attacked someone over it
5.Men rise from one ambition to another . first they seek to secure themselves against attack , and then they attack others
6.Network attackers steal other ' s private information , attack other people ' s computer system and even commit a crime by network
7.Dizzy , " you need to take more care in your work . if you were to attack someone by accident like you just did to me , that would be terrible !
8.The generations of loong have been framed up by marxism and the sino communist party with their devil ' s talons
9.You would expose the self - love of another with a hatchet , but you shrink if your own is attacked with a needle . " but yet m . danglars appeared " -
您可以用一把斧头去攻击别人的自尊心,但假如您自己的自尊心被一根小针刺了一下,您就畏缩了起来。 ”
10.Since visited xuechang , picked up a snowball and lead your team , your opponent all killed ! operations guide : mouse keyboard control , wasd movement , hold the mouse xu li , loosen can attack others
既然进拉雪场,就拿起雪球,带领你的队伍,把你的对手全部干掉吧操作指南:鼠标键盘控制, wasd移动,按住鼠标蓄力,松开即可攻击别人
Similar Words:
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