| 1. | Radenbaugh is locked up in lewisburg . 雷登堡现在还关押在刘易斯堡的监狱中吧。 |
| 2. | Yet how could the habsburgs escape from this vicious circle ? 那么,哈布斯堡如何才能逃脱这种恶性循环呢? |
| 3. | Demonstrators launched a mock invasion of fort lewis on july 15 . 七月十五日,示威群众向路易斯堡发动一次模拟的入侵。 |
| 4. | There were five chief sources of habsburg finance, and several smaller ones . 哈布斯堡家族有五项主要的财政来源,另有一些小项进款。 |
| 5. | In winesburge the hands had attracted attention merely because of their activity . 在温斯堡,这双手之引起注意,只是由于它们的动作。 |
| 6. | there is no walk satisfying the conditions of the knigsberg bridge puzzle. 不存在满足哥尼斯堡桥问题的条件的通道。 |
| 7. | All the riverside quarter of strasbourg had already been cleared of civilians . 在斯特拉斯堡所有河边住宅区里居住的居民,已经全部撤退了。 |
| 8. | Though winesburg is a credible place, it is not anderson's explanation of small-town life . 瓦恩斯堡虽然写得很信实,却不是安德森对小城生活的写照。 |
| 9. | It was these spiraling costs of war which exposed the real weakness of the habsburg system . 正是这种螺旋式上升的战争费用暴露了哈布斯堡政权的真正弱点。 |
| 10. | By elimination, then, the netherlands was the only area in which habsburg losses might be out . 如此权衡以后,荷兰就是咯布斯堡可以减少损失的唯一地区了。 |