If we cross the date line from the east to the west we have to omit one day . 如果越过日界线从东向西走,必需跳过一天不算。
When he crosses the date line he subtract a day from his calendar in order to compensate . 当他越过日界线时,要从他的日历上减去一天,才能得到补偿。
The tobacco steep d in rum , only i did not take so much as before , nor did i chew any of the leaf , or hold my head over the smoke ; however , i was not so well the next day , which was the first of july , as i hop d i shou d have been ; for i had a little spice of the cold fit , but it was not much 晚上,我又喝了点浸了烟叶的甘蔗酒,因为我感到,正是昨天喝了这种药酒,身体才好起来,这次我喝得不多,也不再嚼烟叶,或烤烟叶熏头。第二天,七月一日,我以为身体会更好些,结果却有穿越赤道不会失去时间。在这里,鲁宾逊也许头脑里想到的是日界线,即83国际日期变更线。