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English translation for "映射对象"

mapped object

Related Translations:
系数映射:  coefficent mapping
表面映射:  attach video to surface
映射抖动:  mapping jitter
渐变映射:  gradient mapgradient mixermap
尝试映射:  attempt mapping
坐标映射:  coordinate mapping
映射过程:  mapping process
色调映射:  tone mapping
共享映射:  shared mapping
键映射:  key map
Example Sentences:
1.Gets the xml element name of the mapped object
2.Gets the xml namespace of the mapped object
3.A variant map object is much like the mfc
4.Gets the type name of the mapped object
5.For every mapped object in the workbook , an
6.Objects with xml schema element declarations that are found in type mapping objects
7.Target instance endpoint . enter a name , or accept the default name
在service broker对象树中选择具有映射对象的对象时,该示例将在
8.Class also has several methods used by the interfaces added to a top - level mapped object
9.Control can be deleted only by deleting the mappings and the mapped objects from the workbook
10.It should yield either a mutable sequence object ( e . g . , a list ) or a mapping object ( e . g . , a dictionary )
这应给出或者一个可变有序对象(比如,一个列表)或者一个映射对象(比如,一个字典) 。
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