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English translation for "映射过程"

mapping process

Related Translations:
映射对象:  mapped object
系数映射:  coefficent mapping
表面映射:  attach video to surface
映射抖动:  mapping jitter
渐变映射:  gradient mapgradient mixermap
尝试映射:  attempt mapping
坐标映射:  coordinate mapping
色调映射:  tone mapping
共享映射:  shared mapping
键映射:  key map
Example Sentences:
1.We may also regard this as a mapping procedure .
2.A nonlinear analog ( video and audio ) mapping procedure may be purely analog
3.As described in the previous chapter , these tests are not described in enough detail in rup to do a thorough mapping process
4.During the mapping process , the facilitator helps the stakeholders walk through each of the features and map it to one or more requirements which the feature might satisfy
5.In the traditional design flow , synthesis is the typical mapping process , it is the process that high level resultant seeking suitable library component in the lower level library
6.If we established ip library and platform library , in addition with existing gate level library , then the whole design flow is a continuous mapping process from top to bottom
7.The language - neutral wsdl should be the common ground for both client and server and using the tools in this way doubles the likelihood that information is lost during the mappings
8.By means of equivalent transformation of conjugate condition , the conjugate mapping proc ess is separated from the concrete forms of generator and conjugate movement th us achieved intellecturalization and automatization of synthesis of conjugate cu rves
9.Secondly , we study on how to build the object model for the system utilizing object - oriented technique in the system implement and the process of the mapping from object model to the relational database model in order to build the model of the relational database for the system
10.First , the thesis described the concept , content , characteristic of conceptual design and theories that concerned such as functional structure and principle design . then the thesis analyzed the solution finding process of function - principle - structure mapping in detail and established a general design process model of conceptual design stage in mechanical design based on the description
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