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Home > chinese-english > "灯一下子灭掉了" in English

English translation for "灯一下子灭掉了"

the light was off out of the blue

Related Translations:
一下子:  all at onceall of a suddenat a draughtat a timeat one blowin a short while
一下子拉肚子:  i have repeated constipation and diarrhea
狠狠地一下子:  at one fell swooin a single deadly action
我一下子便秘:  i have repeated constipation and diarrhea
狗一下子掉了下去:  and down the doggie went
积怨很深一下子难以消除:  it is difficult to remove overnight all the grievances accumulated over the years
我的心一下子就凉了:  my heart is so cool
可是我一下子不想喝奶了:  but i didn't want to drink milk any more
这问题一下子把我难住了:  the question put me on the spot
他单刀直入一下子指出了问题的要害:  he didn't beat about the bush but came straight to the heart of the problem
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