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English translation for "照章办事"

do everything by rule; act on the principle of ...; act according to the rules; work in accordance with established rules; proceed according to regulations; move in a rut; carry on according to rules and regulations; go by the book [rules]; work by rule; work to rule 短语和例子

Related Translations:
因一方拒绝照章办事谈判破裂了:  the negotiation broke down because one side refused to play the game
Example Sentences:
1.He always goes by the book .
2.The negotiation broke down because one side refused to play the game .
3.Agent ramirez , you have to foiiow certain ruies
4.This is an official impound . it has five tickets
5.Guard : i just work here , okay
6.Persists the principle , handles matters according to rule also is rich in the flexibility
7.You have to learn how to play the game around the office if you want to get promoted
8.Then let the magistrates , who have made it of no effect , thank themselves if their own wives and daughters go astray !
那就请这些不照章办事的宫老爷们的太太小姐们去走邪路吧,那才叫自作自受呢! ”
9.Through the concept of stare decisis , judicial decisions in u . s . jurisdictions can act as binding precedent for subsequent decisions
10.He went nowhere , save to the pawnbroker , took no exercise , and ate methodically when he was hungry and had something to cook , and just as methodically went without when he had nothing to cook
Similar Words:
"照则" English translation, "照战前原状" English translation, "照章" English translation, "照章,按约" English translation, "照章办理" English translation, "照章办事, 按规矩行事" English translation, "照章纳税" English translation, "照章行事" English translation, "照帐面价值买货" English translation, "照沼" English translation