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English translation for "照这样做"

do it like this

Related Translations:
奥照:  okuteru
高照:  takateruthe horse's mouth
照助:  terusuke
照寂:  the shining mystic purity of buddha or the bhūtatathat
增照:  masuteru
希照:  mariteru
满照:  mitsuteru
昌照:  masateru
照侍:  shoji
廉照:  yasuteru
Example Sentences:
1.Do it like this .
2.Henry remembered this, afterward, when the disaster came, and acted accordingly .
3.I ' ve given you my advice , whether or not you act on it is up to you
4.In fact , the majorities of us have done and are still doing our best to meet the requirement
5.As a result , the two hugged and cried together . since then , they have become very good to each other
6.Most subscribers genuinely believe that companies that behave in the “ right ” way will produce better long - term returns
Similar Words:
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