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English translation for "痴愚"

[ chīyú ]
moronity; moronism; [医学] imbecility; athymia

Related Translations:
痴颠:  benq
花痴:  anthomaniacsidamib
拳痴:  n01f
痴缚:  the bond of unenlightenment
音痴:  tone deaf
舞痴:  dance mania
痴恋:  dramma della gelosia: tutti i particolar in cronacanovo
胡痴:  hu chi
痴肥:  abnormally [unpleasantly] fat; flabby; obese
痴取:  the klea of moha held in unenlightenment
Example Sentences:
1.Then they ll all be insane , and they ll make their grand auto da fe
2.Ay , it will . it ll achieve its own salvation . when the last real man is killed , and they re all tame : white , black , yellow , all colours of tame ones : then they ll all be insane
3.But this has not been achieved without considerable cost . the scientist , who outside his own particular subject is little more than a moron , is a modern phenomenon ; as is the man of letters who is barely aware of the tremendous strides that have been made in technology
4.A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education . the term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive
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