look neither right nor left -- be entirely absorbed; look steadily forward; not look sideways; refuse to be distracted
Example Sentences:
Why, in my time, a young woman would have been all blushes and downcast glances . 嗨,在我一生中,看到少女们都是羞羞答答目不斜视的。
Fee's eyes were no longer up to anything beyond the uttermost effort of keeping the books . 菲已经目不斜视,将她的全部精力都集中在记帐上了。
Yet he looked straight ahead and kept running 然而他目不斜视,坚持着跑下来。
I sit still and look straight ahead . never at the jury 我静静的坐着,目不斜视。一眼都不看陪审团。
So is said that , if there really is of the mm sweden has passed , you can really sideways 话是这么说,可真要是有身材火辣的mm走过,你真能目不斜视?
Yet he looked straight ahead and kept running . we never told him he couldn ' t run four miles with a 103 - degree fever . we never told him . so he didn ' t know 然而他目不斜视,坚持着跑下来,我们从没有告诉他不能发着高烧去跑4英里的路,我们从没有这样对他说,所以他不知道。