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English translation for "科学及数学"

science and mathematics

Related Translations:
数学:  mathematics 短语和例子他数学方面训练不够。 he was lacking in mathematical training.; 数学归纳法 [数学] complete induction; mathematical induction; 数学家 mathematician; 数学教学 mathematical education; 数学近似 mathematic
数学程式:  program mathematical
数学光盘:  optical digital disk
数学公式:  arithmetic formulamathematical formula
数学计算:  mathematic computationmathematical calculationmathematical computationmathematical computing
数学相当:  mathematical homology
数学爱好者:  wikipedians interested in mathematics
数学方法:  mathematical methodsmathematical technique
数学算数:  mathematics counts
数学杂志:  journal of mathematicsmathematical gazette themathematics magazinemathematics review
Example Sentences:
1.Although the famous scientist madame curie was a woman , girls have not always been encouraged to study science and math . but that is changing
2.The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design , manufacture , and operation of efficient and economical structures , machines , processes , and systems
Similar Words:
"科学机构" English translation, "科学集约化" English translation, "科学及工程" English translation, "科学及工业研究署" English translation, "科学及贸易学会" English translation, "科学及文化组织" English translation, "科学技术" English translation, "科学技术白皮书" English translation, "科学技术办公室" English translation, "科学技术部长" English translation