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English translation for "科技体制"

scientific and technological system

Related Translations:
人类细胞遗传学的国际命名体制:  international system for human cytogenetic nomenclature
安徽科技:  anhui science & technology
科技扶贫:  support poor areas using technologysupport the poor areas with science and technology
体育科技:  sport science and technology
汉民科技:  hermes-epitek
科技含量:  technological contenttechnology contentwissenschaftlich-technischer anteil der produkte
科技文献:  scientific and technical literaturescientific literature
趋势科技:  trend microtrendmicro
科技版:  science and technology page
科技专长:  technology feats
Example Sentences:
1.Features and problems in the innovation of
2.On economic system and science amp; amp; technology policies in japan
3.Analysis on the agent of chinese modern scientific and technological systematization
4.Relying on the s t system innovation and perfecting the national innovation system
5.An explore on the russia post - cold war transformation of defense technology system
6.The reform of scientific and technological management system and the scientific and technological take off of china
7.This chapter provide to enforce the formulation of our social technology input oolicy , make social tech input legality , quantity and proportion
8.The text analyses the cause that gives rise to these problems from science & technology system , economic structure and the environment atmosphere etc . the third part is the emphatic place of this text
9.The system transforming of technical enterprises will be propitious to perfecting national science and technology system , bringing technological strength in existence into play and scientific payoffs industrialization
10.With the development of society and economy , the reform of science and technology system is going up . it is the requirement of science and economy development undertaking and an important and durable task in management science
Similar Words:
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