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English translation for "科技指导"

guidance in science and technology
scientific and technical guidance

Related Translations:
国家住房战略监测指导方针:  monitoring guidelines for national shelter strategies
安徽科技:  anhui science & technology
科技扶贫:  support poor areas using technologysupport the poor areas with science and technology
体育科技:  sport science and technology
汉民科技:  hermes-epitek
科技含量:  technological contenttechnology contentwissenschaftlich-technischer anteil der produkte
科技文献:  scientific and technical literaturescientific literature
趋势科技:  trend microtrendmicro
科技版:  science and technology page
科技专长:  technology feats
Example Sentences:
1.The process of implementing project existed various kinds of problems , such as the big funding gap , the imperfect supporting policies , the shortage scientific and technical guidance , the foresty bother , the imperfect project management , the stortage understanging of the police , the pressureof surplus labor and the lagging follow - up industrial development and so on
Similar Words:
"科技政策执行员" English translation, "科技支持基建" English translation, "科技知识共同市场" English translation, "科技之家" English translation, "科技指标网" English translation, "科技中国总经理叶伟伦" English translation, "科技中介服务机构" English translation, "科技中介服务体系" English translation, "科技中立性" English translation, "科技中心" English translation