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English translation for "科技生产力"

science and technology production power
wissenschaftlich-technische produktivkrfte

Related Translations:
资本财的生产力:  productivity of capital goods
安徽科技:  anhui science & technology
科技扶贫:  support poor areas using technologysupport the poor areas with science and technology
体育科技:  sport science and technology
汉民科技:  hermes-epitek
科技含量:  technological contenttechnology contentwissenschaftlich-technischer anteil der produkte
科技文献:  scientific and technical literaturescientific literature
趋势科技:  trend microtrendmicro
科技版:  science and technology page
科技专长:  technology feats
Example Sentences:
1.Two historical leaps in scientific productive forces theory by the cpc
2.The flow of productivity determines economic development and social prosperity
3.Science & technology productivity plays an important role at the era of knowledge economy , which was proved by both theory and practice
科学技术作为第一生产力(即科技生产力) ,已经在理论和实践上得到了佐证与确认。
4.The author takes three provinces in yangtz delta area for example to identify potential difference of the area and flowing direction of productivity
5.The background of the thesis is based on the previous research of productivity as well as the reconstruction of the theory of productivity and science & technology productivity
6.The flow of the science & technology productivity is described through four aspects , which are shape , characteristic , original cause of formation and social motive force mechanism
7.In the view of above , the main form of flowing , technological transformation and spreading , is described in part four . the choice of the innovation and transfer of technology of our country ’ s pattern is indicated as well
8.Subordinate function of evaluation index is determined by means of triangle whitenization function . the potential difference of the area is evaluated through gray cluster . conceptual model that estimates energy of the science & technology productivity is built up relying on the thought of the strength potential energy for support
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