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English translation for "租赁筹资"

lease financing

Related Translations:
永久性筹资:  permanent financing
土地租赁:  land leasinglease of land
包揽租赁:  wralease - a lease transaction generally involving
单程租赁:  one way leasingone-way lease
共同租赁:  tenancy in common
租赁净收益:  rental net income
操作租赁:  operating leases
延续租赁:  continuance of the tenancy
计算机租赁:  rental (computer )
财产租赁:  lease of propertyproperty tenancy
Example Sentences:
1.Chapter 2 firstly discusses relating characters and relevantly technique concerning the decision , and then puts great emphasis on the basic principle of equipment leasing . the decision contents of equipment leasing primarily include the purchasing and leasing analysis of the equipment configuration , the risk of raising funds for leasing , the multi - problem decision of the equipment choosing and so on
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