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English translation for "精力投入"


Related Translations:
保存精力:  conserve one's vitality
全副精力:  with all one's energy
指精力:  faculty of the body or mind
消耗精力:  consume one
精力成本:  energy cost div
精力困扰:  energy field distubanceenergy field disturbance
耗尽精力:  burn out
消磨精力:  fritter away one
毕生精力:  energy throughout one's life
恢复精力:  second wind
Example Sentences:
1.The doubt and suspicion, which had been growing in tensity, melted away as we threw our energies into the hunt .
2.He has devoted all his energies to his research
3.Many women throw all of their energies into a career
4.Jim , ifyou put halfas much energy intoyour marriage as you put into tonight ,
5.He determined on devoting all his energies to the cause to the four modernization ' s construction
6.And i want to say thank you to joaquin phoenix who just put his heart and soul into this performance
7.And come to think of it , we pour ourselves more into work than to our family ? an unwise investment indeed
8.But he put little thought into how the pieces could fit together , nor how his sprawling machine could be steered
9.If workload continues to increase , requiring increased effort , the relative improvement in performance declines
10.But it says it wants to put its energies into meeting its legal duties and strengthening its relationship with the european commission
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