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English translation for "结晶层"

crystallizing layer

Related Translations:
结晶氧化铝:  crystal alumina
结晶习惯:  crystal habit
结晶习性:  crystal habit
结晶冰糖:  crystal candy sugar
结晶剂:  crystallizing agent
结晶橡胶:  crystalline rubber
结晶化学分析:  crystal chemistry analysiscrystalchemistryanalysiscrystallochemical analysis
结晶键:  crystal bridge
结晶熔化:  watery fusion
延迟结晶:  delayed crystallization
Example Sentences:
1.Through the research on the crystallite of the composites modified with silicone coupling agent and pp - g - mah , research showed that the size of the crystallite and oriented crystallization had obviously influence on the mechanical performances . the sem results showed that nano - sio2 was dispersed well in pp , which promoted the matrix undergo shear yielding rather than brittle fracture
2.Product this getting wet pouch active mt of packaging completely , main raw materials active mt one natural having special crystallization layers of silicate clay ore of form scarce , sublimated and processed and succeeded by special technology , one layer of forms tetrahedron and octahedra chip of it are arranged into six mao net , cause the crystalline grain to expand after absorbing water , pick up the moisture , get rid of oxygen , keeps fresh , anticorro sion , long result function , it is a kind of healthy green environmentally safe product
本品是透湿性小袋包装的活性mt ,主要原料活性mt是一种天然稀有的具特殊结晶层状的硅酸盐粘土矿,经特殊技术提纯加工而成,它的层状四面体和八面体晶片排成六角网格,吸水后引起晶格膨胀,具吸湿、除氧、保鲜、防蚀、长效功能,是一种健康绿色环保产品。
3.Product this getting wet pouch active mt of packaging completely , main raw materials active mt one natural having special crystallization layers of silicate clay ore of form scarce , sublimated and processed and succeeded by special technology , one layer of forms tetrahedron and octahedra chip of it are arranged into six mao net , cause the crystalline grain to expand after absorbing water , pick up the moisture , get rid of oxygen , keeps fresh , anticorro sion , long result function , it is a kind of healthy green environmentally safe product
本品是透湿性小袋包装的活性mt ,主要原料活性mt是一种天然稀有的具特殊结晶层状的硅酸盐粘土矿,经特殊技术提纯加工而成,它的层状四面体和八面体晶片排成六角网格,吸水后引起晶格膨胀,具吸湿除氧保鲜防蚀长效功能,是一种健康绿色环保产品。
4.Znf16pc molecules grow on quartz substrate in a stransky - krastanov model ; a fundamental layer is laid by strong interactions between quartz and f - atoms on znf16pc , on which an amorphous transition layer develops , finally an well ordered film is obtained , " card - packing " , " amorphous accumulation " and " brick - stacking " are adopted hi three different layers
Znf _ ( 16 ) pc分子在石英衬底上的生长基本符合stransky - krastanov模型:通过f -原子与石英衬底的强相互作用形成奠基层,发展成无定型的过渡层,最后形成有序的结晶层。在这三个区域内分子分别采取“ card - packing ” 、 “ amorphousaccumulation ”和“ brick - stacking ”排列方式。
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