| 1. | If white light is used, these patterns are brilliantly colored . 如果使用白光,那么这些图形是色彩绚丽的。 |
| 2. | The witch doctors were bedizened in all their gaudiest costumes . 女巫医穿上她们最绚丽的衣服,打扮得俗不可耐。 |
| 3. | She could be identified by the gaudy bandanna she wore as a head covering . 只要看到有一块绚丽的印花大手帕扎在头上的,那就是她。 |
| 4. | It was an odd, florid challenge from someone who called himself "muhammad the prophet of god. " 这是一个自称为“真主的使者穆罕默德”的人写来的一封奇特而绚丽的挑战书。 |
| 5. | Coarse grasses and plants spring up quickly, and small bushes and flowers suddenly bloom magnificently in the great heat . 粗草和小树迅速生长,小灌木丛在炎热中突然开放绚丽的花朵。 |
| 6. | Doroth felt she must escape from the old woman's delicately tinted world in which she was a harsh impostor . 多萝茜才突然想到自己必须逃出老太太色彩绚丽的世界。在那个世界中,她是一个格格不入的骗子。 |
| 7. | At this moment on the ridge, up against the blazing sky, a figure was visible, like the black snuff in the midst of a candle flame . 恰在此时,在那山岗上,在那阳光绚丽的天际出现了一个身影,就象蜡烛火焰中的一个黑色烛花。 |
| 8. | Don ' t get obssessed with things that are wrapped in pretty packages 不要迷恋包装绚丽的东西 |
| 9. | To mount bromo and catch the sunrise there 登上婆罗摩火山mount bromo ,观看日出绚丽的景象。 |
| 10. | It ' s detailed with soft scrolls and an ornate ceramic disk 它有柔软的卷轴和一个绚丽的瓷托盘。 |