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English translation for "群变化"

group variation

Related Translations:
变化:  1.(事物在形态或本质上产生新的状况) change; variety; transformation; variation; varying; alleosis; variance; alteration; modification 短语和例子化学变化 chemical change; 物理变化 physical change; 气温的变化 variations of t
Example Sentences:
1.Changes of lymphocyte subpopulation in patients with acute cerebral trauma
2.In a pioneering study of finches on the gal pagos islands , peter r
3.However , similar improvements in immunoglobulin and t - lymphocyte subsets of both groups were observed
4.The paper published in pnas , though , supports the idea that the bacterial mixture is cause not effect , by adding yet another element to the story
5.In the past few years , montgomery county has become more ethnically diverse , with increases in the absolute number of the minority population and also in the variety of cultures and languages ; hence , more linguistically and culturally appropriate services are needed for the county s changing population
6.This essay will probe into the literary practice of bai yang dian poems and relate the kinship of bai yang dian poems and somnolent poems , further expound the value of bai yang dian poems in modernistic poetic stream and explore their significance in literary history and poetics
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