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English translation for "群比较"


Related Translations:
比较服装:  act 1 comparing clothes
比较实验:  comparative experimentscomparison experiment
比较系数:  coefficient of comparisons
比较哲学:  comparative philosophy
比较元件比较环节:  comparing elementcomparison element
比较寿命:  comparative lifetime
比较法:  comparative law; comparison method [test]◇比较法校准 comparison method calibration; 比较法研究 study of comparative law
比较仪:  comparator blockcomparatorscomparerspectrocomparator
比较文件:  compare files
定量比较:  quantitative comparison
Example Sentences:
1.Although there were more pdr cases within the iddm and insulin injection group , the total group number was too small as compared to the niddm and non - insulin injection group
2.The results suggested : a ) normal group and problem group differ greatly in three dimensions ( i . e . , individual life values , social life values , and authority values ) and ten factors . compared with the normal group , the problem group are characterized as passive , not good at human intercourse , fatalistic , superstitious , less independent , less keen on pursuing knowledge , less likely to be honest and keep promises , indifferent to others , less willing to conform to tradition , and self - centered
结果发现: 1 )正常人群和问题人群在价值观的个人生活价值取向、社会生活价值取向和权威意志取向3个维度(二阶因子)和10个一阶因子上存在显著性差异,与正常人群比较,问题人群的价值观具有以下一些特点:个人生活观念消极被动,社会生活观念不利于人际交往,宿命,相信超自然力量,独立进取性差、求知欲望低、诚实守信差、社会同情缺乏、反传统、自私。
3.The decor industry customers can be divided into three groups based on their internal value based on their internal value , decor industry customers can be divided into three groups : enjoyment oriented group , traditional oriented group , fashion oriented group . the brand positioning of ikea is combined with deep understanding of chinese decor industry customers " internal value the target chinese customer group of ikea now is focused on the young , having style and not rich customers
同时,比较家居市场的现有主要消费群和未来潜在消费群可以发现,现有主要的消费群比较偏好“明智购物” 、 “定制化” ,而未来的潜在家居消费群则比较偏好感性的价值元素如“新潮” 、 “美誉” ,对“服务”和“全面成本”等表现出一定的负向需求。
4.Phylogenetic relationship of the sinibrama species was reconstructed using the cladistic method and morphological characters . c . monglicus monglicus , a . lini , p . pekinensis and m . terminalis were selected as out - group . and a total of 34 morphological characters were found variable among four valid species
用分支系统学方法,重建华鳊属鱼类的系统发育关系,运用外类群比较法,选择蒙古? 、大眼近红? 、鳊和三角鲂为外类群,对34个形态学性状进行了简约性分析。
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