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English translation for "老张的干劲仍旧不减当年"

lao zhang is still full of energy as in the old days

Related Translations:
不减当年:  just like one's old self (in appearance, bearing, etc.)
风采不减当年:  as good-looking as ever
他的精力不减当年:  he is as energetic as ever. the prime of life
他人虽老了干劲却不减当年:  old as he is he works just as hard as he did in his younger days
干劲:  drive; vigour; enthusiasm 短语和例子有头脑、干劲和首创精神的青年 young men with brains, drive and initiative; 干劲十足 be full of vigour; 冲天干劲 boundless energy
仍旧:  1.(照旧) remain the same; continue to be; as before2.(仍然) still; yet 短语和例子仍旧乐观 be still optimistic; 他仍旧住在那老房子里。 he still lived in the old house. 有些问题仍旧没有解决。 some problems remain to be solved
冲天干劲:  (with) heaven-storming enthusiasm; boundless [soaring] enthusiasm; boundless [unparalleled] drive
比干劲:  compete with each other in drive
街头干劲:  high high
革命干劲:  revolutionary impetus
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