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English translation for "胜于他人"

throw all the others into the shade

Related Translations:
胜于:  outstrip; superior to
胜于治疗:  prevention
远胜于:  outclass
食疗胜于医疗:  diet cures more than doctors
知足胜于财富:  content is better than riches
远胜于某人:  be much better than sb/sth
预防胜于治疗:  prevention is better than cureprevention is better the cure
质胜于量:  quality is better than quantity
身教胜于言教:  example is always more efficacious than precept.samuel johnson british writer and critictime tames strongest grief
舒适胜于虚荣:  comfort is better than pride
Example Sentences:
1.A word or a nod from the good has more might than the eloquent speeches of others .
2.But the people ' s bank of china ( pboc ) is more particular
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