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English translation for "自取其祸"

bring misery [misfortune] on [upon] oneself; bring down disaster upon one's own head

Related Translations:
自取:  ask for; invite
自取餐:  linear self service
自取玷辱:  bring discredit [disgrace] on oneself
自取其咎:  bring blame on oneself; have only oneself to blame; receive punishment through one's own fault 短语和例子你这是自取其咎。 you asked for it
自取其辱:  bring disgrace on one's own head; ask for an insult; invite humiliation
以自取戾:  commit offense
自取向机理:  autoorientation mechanism
自取所需:  heloneself tohelp oneself
自取式快餐馆:  cafeteria
你这是自取其咎:  you asked for it
Example Sentences:
1.You have come to ruin because you are a man of blood !
2.The lord has sent punishment on you for all the blood of the family of saul , whose kingdom you have taken ; and the lord has given the kingdom to absalom , your son : now you yourself are taken in your evil , because you are a man of blood
3.[ bbe ] the lord has sent punishment on you for all the blood of the family of saul , whose kingdom you have taken ; and the lord has given the kingdom to absalom , your son : now you yourself are taken in your evil , because you are a man of blood
4.The lord hath returned upon thee all the blood of the house of saul , in whose stead thou hast reigned ; and the lord hath delivered the kingdom into the hand of absalom thy son : and , behold , thou art taken in thy mischief , because thou art a bloody man
撒下16 : 8你流扫罗全家的血、接续他作王耶和华把这罪归在你身上、将这国交给你儿子押沙龙现在你自取其祸、因为你是流人血的人。
5.Jehovah has returned upon you all the blood of the house of saul , in whose place you have reigned ; and jehovah has delivered the kingdom into the hand of absalom your son ; and now you have been taken in your own mischief , for you are a man of bloodshed
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