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English translation for "自叹不如"

sigh at the idea of one's comparative unworthiness; acknowledge the superiority of; admit with regret that one is not as good; concede that the other is better qualified; consider oneself inferior to another; feel one is not another's equal; throw [toss] in the towel

Related Translations:
:  动词1.(叹气) sigh 短语和例子哀叹 sigh in sorrow; 长吁短叹 sighs and groans2.(吟哦) chant; recite; intone 短语和例子咏叹 chant; intone; sing3.(发出赞美声) acclaim; exclaim in admiration; praise 短语和例子赞叹 highly praise; g
定叹:  fixed core
叹的:  iron cored
马蹄形叹:  u-shaped core
叹磁通量:  core flux
磁叹:  magntic core
叹早茶:  yum cha
带叹电感:  inductor iron
国王轻叹:  sadly sighed the king
u形叹:  u coreu-shaped core
Example Sentences:
1.The openness with which people here confront their condition has given them a strength and bravery i find humbling
2.Even at the age of 85 , my father was in very good health and great spirits . he enjoyed traveling between formosa and the united states , staying for short periods with each of his sons and daughters
3.As to the university of malaya team , the contestants " command of chinese turned out better than i had expected . not only were they free of a malaysian accent , they were fluent and neat in their speech . i am sure many singaporean students were put to shame by that
谈到马来亚大学的辩手,他们驾驭华语的能力比笔者想象中的还要好,不但没有“马来西亚腔” ,而且非常流利干净相信很多新加坡学生都自叹不如
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