| 1. | He quitted the mask for an agreeable grimace . 他不再做出那种自鸣得意的怪模怪样的假象。 |
| 2. | There is always in it an element of self-satisfaction which makes it awkward to anyone who has a sense of humour . 这里面总有某种自鸣得意的成份,会叫一个有幽默感的人觉得你在装腔作势。 |
| 3. | Hanging is an atrocious archaic way of killing a human being and the self-satisfied modernity of the electric chair is just as atrocious . 绞刑是一种不再使用的残忍的杀人方法,而人们自鸣得意的现代电椅同样是残酷的。 |
| 4. | But while you are crowing over your imaginary success, see if it does not return with seven devils worse than its former self . 可是你正在为这种空洞的胜利自鸣得意的时候,它却又会卷土重来,而且还要厉害个十倍八倍呢。 |
| 5. | God . nothing i hate more than perky blondes 老天,没什么比自鸣得意的金发女郎 |
| 6. | Being in a state of boastful elation or exultation 自鸣得意的处于自负的得意洋洋或狂喜状态的 |
| 7. | Just you wait , you smug son of a bitch 等等,你这个自鸣得意的混蛋 |
| 8. | Nationalism is a silly cock crowing on its own dunghill 民族主义,是在自己的小天地里自鸣得意的笨雄鸡。 |
| 9. | I remember his fatuous and limited face on the field of austerlitz 我记得那副在奥斯特利茨战场的自鸣得意的嘴脸。 |
| 10. | And a smug one , too 还是个自鸣得意的人 |