You got the idea in precisely that manner, it just occurred to you, so to speak ? 你就这样耍了个花枪,这么说你完全是自然而然想到的咯!
You got the idea in precisely that manner, it just occurred to you, so to speak ? 你就这样耍了个花枪,这么说你完全是自然而然想到的咯。
I d like to turn over to you a thousand dollars of what i don t value for what you gave me that night and which was beyond price . you need the money . i ve got more than i need 你需要的是钱,而我的钱又多得花不完你既然需要钱,又来要钱,就用不着耍什么花枪来骗我了,你拿去吧。 ”