But ifyou deviate from the process in any way - - 但若你在过程中耍一丁点花腔…
But ifyou deviate from the process in any way - 但若你在过程中耍一丁点花腔
The orchestra s second performance was " love melody iv , " composed and conducted by peter boyer . the soprano was kerry walsh 管弦乐团伴奏的第二支作品爱的旋律之四,由彼得鲍约作曲并亲任指挥,戏剧花腔女高音凯莉沃许负责演唱。
Helen della delmar proclaimed with a flourish of trumpets and rolling of tomtoms to be the greatest woman poet in the united states denied brissenden a seat beside her on pegasus and wrote voluminous letters to the public , proving that he was no poet 海伦德拉德尔玛她是以花腔连天的喇叭和震天价响的鼓声被捧上了合众国最伟大的女诗人宝座的拒绝在她的飞马背上给予布里森登一席之地。
In the telling of the novel , " colorature " has broken the revolutionary narration of only one narrating subject . adopted the narration of the ethics of the plural subjects , showed man ' s helplessness in the history of personal destiny , and made sharp query and into the ultimate value of traditional values and personal life 在小说的讲述上, 《花腔》打破了只有一个叙事主体的革命的叙事,采用了多元主体的伦理的叙事,展示出个人命运在历史中的无奈,对传统价值观念及个人生命的终极价值作出了尖锐的质疑和思考。
In li er ' s novel , " colorature " , intellectuals ' criticism of history as segments , he adopted varied narrating tactics , broke the past tradition of stow - telling with gyres , sought the discourse of plural dialogue , activated and rebuilt the connection between reality , history and novel 摘要李洱的长篇小说《花腔》考述了知识分子的“历史” ,在对碎片般的历史的追述与审视中,他采用了多种多样的叙述策略,打破了以往的说书传统,寻求多元话语的对话,激活并重建了小说与现实和历史的联系。