| 1. | The first chapter explores basic theory of rule of corroboration 第一章探讨了补强证据规则的基础理论。 |
| 2. | The rule of corroboration is stipulated in common law and constitute in england 英国的补强证据规则在成文法和判例法中均有规定。 |
| 3. | The third chapter discusses the rule of corroboration and its improvement in china criminal procedure 第三章对我国补强证据规则及其完善进行了论述。这是本文的重点。 |
| 4. | Rule of corroboration is an important rule in system of evidence , which is a stipulation that definitely provable value of kinds of evidence 补强证据规则是证据制度中的一项重要规则,是法律对几类言词证据明确限制其证明力的法则。 |
| 5. | In this article , author constructs the content and specific items of the rule of corroboration in our country , and brings forward how to handle testimony of accomplice , and points out mechanism of assurance of procedure and problem that should be noticed in practice 文中,笔者构建了我国补强证据规则的内容体系以及具体的规则条款,提出了共同被告人及共犯异案被告人供述适用补强证据规则的设想,并指出了程序上的保障机制以及实施中应当注意的问题。 |
| 6. | It is the emphasis of this article . it reviews the rule in china , introduces kinds of arguments on testimony of accomplice in theory , points out the existing defects and the improvement necessity and puts forward the specific propositions of improvement 文中对我国的补强证据规则作了述评,对共犯被告人供述作为补强证据的证据能力的理论上的争论作了介绍,指出了我国补强证据规则存在的缺陷及其完善的必要,并提出了完善我国补强证据规则的具体构想。 |
| 7. | Beginning with setting forth origination , basis in theory of law and characteristic of rule of corroboration , it explores emphatically the content of the rule in which the meaning , scope , ability of evidence , provable value of corroboration and the range objects of rule of corroboration are elaborated 文章首先对补强证据规则的历史起源、确立的法理依据和补强证据规则的特征进行了简要的阐述,接着着重对补强证据规则的内容进行了探讨。其中对补强证据的含义、范围、证据能力、证明力以及补强证据规则的适用范围和对象都作了详细的论述。 |
| 8. | The preface of this article is mainly concerned with the meaning of rule of corroboration and analyses the difference between the common law system and the continent law system . it points out rule of corroboration is the rule that when some kinds of legal evidence are incomplete , there require that other evidence assure its reality 文中指出,补强证据规则就是法律规定的几类言词证据证明力不完全(证明力由法律明文限制)而要求要有其它的证据予以增强证明力、担保其真实性的证据规则。 |
| 9. | The important content of rule of corroboration involves in incompletely provable value of evidence , which is object of rule of corroboration . after generalizing the difference between the common law system and the continent law system , this article comments on its historical cause of formation . furthermore , the author puts forward the object and the definition of rule of corroboration 对证明力不完全的证据(即补强证据规则的对象)的界定是补强证据规则的重要内容,本文在对两大法系补强证据规则对象的差异简要概述之后,对其成因作了评析,并进而提出了笔者对补强证据规则对象的界定以及对补强证据规则的定义。 |
| 10. | With the system of criminal trial in china is being changed from inquisitional into adversary , to perfect discovery system has become an urgent problem to be solved therefore , this article explores rule of corroboration in rule of evidence and is to benefit legislation and practice 随着我国刑事庭审方式由法官主导的审问制向控辩双方的对抗制的转变,完善证据规则已经成为我国刑事诉讼中亟待解决的问题。故此,本文就证据规则中的补强证据规则进行了探讨,以资有益于立法和实践。 |