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English translation for "表示以"


Related Translations:
表示:  show; express; mean; indicate; expression; presentation; signifying; remark; representation 短语和例子表示不服罪 plead not guilty; plead unguilty; 表示服罪 plead guilty; 表示愤慨 express one's indignation;
表示服务:  presentation services
表示歉意:  offer an apologyexpress one's regret
表示欢迎:  make sb. welcome
数量表示:  quantitaes
公式表示:  formulation
求爱表示:  courtship display
虚伪表示:  simulatio
网络表示:  network representation
表示学科:  logy
Example Sentences:
1.The horizontal axis shows sales in millions of dollars
2.The horizontal axis shows sales in millions of dollars
3.Represents a collection of string elements separated by commas
4.Represents a pocket pc control for displaying and managing documents in a consistent way
表示以一致的方式显示和管理文档的pocket pc控件。
5.Vox ( voice activation ) is a method of triggering the start and stop recording of a call
6.Temporal dependencies are represented by dotted arrows in the graphical representation of the composition
7.This value indicates that a cell with data errors scrolled into view programmatically or with the scroll bar
8.Gets an array of forms that represent the multiple - document interface child forms that are parented to this form
9.It does not mean that it is safe to drive at that speed - always take into account all the conditions prevailing at the time
10.The ban targets misleading advertisements , in which some medical organizations exaggerate the results of a product or treatment , inviting so - called experts and patients to demonstrate the magical effects
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