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English translation for "议付有效"

valid for negotiation

Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ名词(意见; 言论) opinion; view 短语和例子倡议 initiate; advocate; 提议 propose; move; 异议 disagreement; dissident view; dissenting opinionⅡ动词(商议) discuss; exchange views on; talk over 短语和例子自报公议 make the
议一:  giichi
议让:  rebate
常会议:  convention
筹备会议:  preliminary meetingpreparing meetings
否议:  nient le fait
议订:  negotiate 短语和例子议订和约 negotiate a peace treaty
杨议:  yang yi
现场会议:  clinicon-site meeting
无异议:  unanimitywithout demur
Example Sentences:
1.This l c is valid for negotiation in china until 15th , july
2.This l c is valid for negotiation in china or your port until 15th july
3.This l c is valid for negotiation in china or your port until 15th , july
4.This credit is valid for negotiation until the 15th day after the shipment
5.This letter of credit is valid for negotiation in china until oct . 16 , 2004
6.Expiry date : march . 07 , 2004 in the country of the beneficiary for negotiation
此信用证的有效期: 2004年3月7日前,在受益人国家议付有效
7.This credit shall cease to be available for negotiation of beneficiary ' s drafts after mar . 08 , 2004
8.By 100 % confirmed , irrevocable and sight letter of credit to remain valid for negotiation in china until the 15th day after shipment
9.By 100 % confirmed , irrevocable and sight letter of credit to remain valid for negotiation in china until the 30th day after shipment
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