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English translation for "评价曲线"

appraisal curve
noise rating chart

Related Translations:
步态评价:  gait assessment
期刊评价:  journal evaluation
总括评价:  summative evaluation
治疗评价:  therapeutic review
独立评价:  independent assessment
目视评价:  visual valuationvisualvaluation
卫生评价:  health appraisal methodshygienic assessmenthygienic evaluationsanitation evaluation
地物评价:  terrain appreciation
严格评价:  critical appraisal
证券评价:  valuation of securities
Example Sentences:
1.Acoustics . nr curve for the assessment of noise
2.Keeping acuity of focus measure curve , new approaches reduced run - time and improved the speed of focus
3.In the method dff ( depth from focus ) , aiming at the characteristic of the images , we proposed that wiener filter and image brightness normalization can be apply as preprocessing tools
4.We revised frequency spectrum functions by using weighting factor - the distance between direct component and alternating component , and improved the acuity of focus measure curve
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