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English translation for "诚实可信"


Related Translations:
诚实:  honest 短语和例子诚实才是上策。 honesty is the best policy. 他是个诚实的男孩。 he is an honest boy
太诚实:  too honest
要诚实:  but not too modest
诚实保险公司:  fidelidade assurance co
公正诚实:  play the gameplay fair
绝对诚实:  savagely honest
诚实守信:  faithful and trustworthy service firsthonesty and trustworthinesskeep good faith and live with integrity
天生诚实:  innately honest
诚实信用:  honesty and credibility
不诚实地:  dishonestlydisingenuouslydisloyallyhollowlyinsincerelytruthlessly
Example Sentences:
1.I am a very reliable and conscientious person
2.- will be honest and true - he ' ll believe in me too
3.Will be honest and true - @ he ' ll believe in me too
- @是诚实可信的- @他也会信任我
4.For you to be credible , you must be perceived as sincere ? which may take time
5.Miss manners ' s reply to this is that there is quite enough honesty in the office , anyway
6.But do not ask them for an accounting of the money delivered into their hand , for they work faithfully
7.The company is eager to make a high reputation with its impeccable services and sound professional morale
8.Hexagon is to be calm , sensible , solid volume and a sense of honesty and credibility symbol enterprises , it says
9.I wish that i would be so lucky to meet a nice man here . he might be kind , caring , honest , sincere . and no bad habit going with his life
10.Regarding the moralities as our principle , we will supply believable information to you . that will keep us in good co - operation all the way
Similar Words:
"诚实地相信" English translation, "诚实可靠" English translation, "诚实可靠的" English translation, "诚实可靠的, 很好的" English translation, "诚实可靠的人" English translation, "诚实劳动" English translation, "诚实人的话像他的契约一样靠得住" English translation, "诚实人说的话等于契约" English translation, "诚实是儿童的特点" English translation, "诚实是上策" English translation