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English translation for "进口国"

import state
importing country

Related Translations:
报进口:  enterentry inwardshientry
进口垄断:  import monopolies
进口信用证:  import creditimport letter of credit
进口水位:  entrance level
进口证明书:  importation certificate
管道进口:  conduit entrance
进口裙:  entry skirt
走私进口:  smuggle
进口成分:  imported contents
进口定额:  quantitative regulation of imports
Example Sentences:
1.For the importing country, however, this is a bargain .
2.Exporting and importing countries tend to prefer to run different kinds of risks .
3.Consular invoices are declarations made at the consulate of the importing country .
4.Other middle-income oil importers would suffer from continued low commodity prices .
5.When a high-cost importing country becomes an exporter, potential gains from trade are wasted .
6.It is these documents that enable the importing customs to assess consignments at the correct rate of duty .
7.An antidumping duty could benefit the importing nation by causing the dumper to deliver at a lower price .
8.More and more countries have become importers, increasing their dependence on the north american breadbasket .
9.China shifted from being a major importer of food grains in the 1970s to being a surplus producer in the 1980s .
10.Import quotas are sometimes dressed up as voluntary export restraint agreements between exporting and importing countries .
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