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English translation for "限制进入"

entrance restriction

Related Translations:
进入屏幕:  frame in
校准进入:  calibrating run
进入青春期:  adolesce
腹腔进入:  intraperitoneal route
进入脑海:  in to brain
识别进入:  identification run
进入场:  approach apron
擅自进入:  gatecrashtrespassing
获准进入:  gain admission intogain admission toobtain admission intoobtain admission to
进入蜂箱:  enter or live in a hive
Example Sentences:
1.It is strictly forbidden to come as you are
2.They believe that strict limits should be placed on the vehicle industry
3.They beliee that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering china ' s cities
4.They believe that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering china ' s cities
5.During a previous amway visit , the store had to hire security guards to restrict entry to the store
6.The government says it intends to limit the number of singaporeans using the casino by imposing a s $ 100 a day entry fee as a safeguard
7.For those that are already registered but unable to meet the standards , their access to scenic areas or environmentally - sensitive areas will be limited
8.Cleverlearn reserves the right in its sole discretion to deny access to the site or any or all of the cleverlearn software and services to any user for any reason whatsoever
9.Any person who enters into or be within the restricted area without a special permit issued by the director of agriculture , fisheries and conservation , is liable to a maximum fine of hk $ 50 , 000 on conviction
10.With robots now poised to emerge from their industrial cages and to move into homes and workplaces , roboticists are concerned about the safety implications beyond the factory floor
Similar Words:
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