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English translation for "除了这个"

anything but this

Related Translations:
除了:  1.(表示所说的不计算在内; 除开) except 短语和例子除了星期日, 我们每天都上班。 we work every day except sunday. 除了这台拖拉机, 所有其它的拖拉机质量都很好。 all the tractors except this are good in quality.2.(表示在什么之外, 还有别的) besides; in addit
除了之外:  except
口译除了:  simultaneous interpreting
除了技能:  perks
除了将:  blog
除了爱:  i can‘t give you anything but love
除了鱼:  i eat anything but fish
除了别的:  among other
除了我:  no one but me can save myself, but it to lateto my dearest love on this joyous christmas
除了渔场:  fishing quay
Example Sentences:
1.Besides this earth, and besides the race of men, there is an invisible world and a kingdom of spirits .
2.But , in addition to that basically simple concept , the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another .
3.The historicist will claim that besides this decisive criticism there are other reasons for rejecting technological sociologies .
4.I think of nothing but the people of this village
5.Well , she ' s got her finger on everything i do . .
6.Well , she ' s got her finger on everything i do
7.There ' s nothing else besides this number
8.There ' s nothing else besides this number
9.And on top of that , that g - string gave me diaper rash
10.Beyond that , i won ' t discuss her private life on tv ,
Similar Words:
"除了渔场" English translation, "除了雨天之外她总是骑自行车上班" English translation, "除了阅读,听力也很重要" English translation, "除了在钟楼男童" English translation, "除了折磨与心碎" English translation, "除了这个罪犯们用到的情报战策略" English translation, "除了这里的任何地方" English translation, "除了这里的说明,该能力类似变形术" English translation, "除了这一面外我还考虑了内外两面" English translation, "除了正在仲裁的部分条款外”" English translation